General overview
Sectoral Operational Programme “Increase of Economic Competitiveness”
“Investing in your future”
Programme: SOP IEC - Sectoral Operational Programme “Increase of Economic Competitiveness”
Priority axis: “An innovative and eco-efficient production system”
Area of intervention 1: “Productive investments and preparing for market competition of enterprises, especially SMEs”
Operation: “Support for strengthening the productive sector by tangible and intangible investments” - operation for large enterprises.
State aid scheme: “Support for strengthening and upgrading the productive sector by investments in large enterprises”
Managing authority: Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment -
Beneficiary: S.C. NEPTUN S.A.
Address : Campina, str. Bobalna, nr.57-63, Prahova
Phone/Fax: 0244.335651/335652
e-mail :
Project title: “Modernisation and diversifying the production of S.C. Neptun S.A.“
Financing contract: No. 154253 / May 17th, 2011.
Project implementation period: 24 months
Date of project commencement: May 18th, 2011
Project location: Romania - Region: South East - County: Prahova - Locality: Campina
Total value of the project: 26,939,623.63 RON
Total eligible amount: 20,990,103.75 RON, of which:
8,935,487.17 RON - non-reimbursable eligible amount granted based on EFDR
1,454,614.19 RON – non-reimbursable eligible amount granted based on the national budget
10,390,101.36 RON – non-reimbursable eligible amount granted based on public funds
10,600,002.39 RON – eligible co-financing of the beneficiary
Non-eligible amount: 5.949.519,88 RON
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or of the Government of Romania.
For detailed information regarding the other operational programmes co-financed by the European Union, please visit