Oil fields


One of the new performant products of the company is the equipment for oil extraction using progressive cavity pumps.
Developed in the early ‘90s, the surface drive heads have featured high reliability and fiability. Up to now, they are being used at some 2,000 oil wells.

In order to meet the requirements of the clients, the equipment has been continuously diversified and upgraded. Drive heads for axial load up to 9 tons have been developed, able to operate in wells, down to 2,000 m depth.

Currently, NEPTUN S.A. can offer the whole set of oil extraction equipment using the new technology with P.C. pumps. More, electro-pumps with one rotor and rubber stator are produced, for vehiculation of crude oil in oil storage plants.



  • Phone:

  • Str. Bobalna, nr. 57-63, Campina – 105600, Prahova, Romania

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